A one-eyed astronomer gets a sty in his
eye the night of the comet. His attempt to view comet through a
telescope with a jagged eye-piece provokes much mirth. Where's
Orpheus? Orpheus enters with a new eye for the astronomer. Drop it.
He drops it. Eat it. The dog eats the eye. Act 1, scene 1. Scene
where Orpheus charms dog with song so astronomer can recover eye.
Dog makes deal. If he and his friends can tear Orpheus to pieces
astronomer can have the eye.
Night of the comet. Comet enters, tail
first, incinerating everything. The dog? The dog incinerates. The
moist eye survives to drain the light from the comet and project
phantoms on the smoke of Orpheus's childhood in Thrace. Not a dry
eye in the house. End it. |